Manager Development Program

"Learn How to Build High-Performance Teams, and How to Lead team of competent individuals to Deliver Outstanding Performance."
Team leaders are the lynchpin to organizational performance and business success. They are critical to communicate and operationalize business strategy. Effective Team leaders create a cohesive team environment and motivate individuals to work together towards a common goal. Focus on assembling, building, and engaging a team to achieve a specific task or a project.

Effective team leaders excel in coordinating, engaging, and enabling individuals to achieve goals. Use the understanding of an individual’s strengths and team dynamics to create a peak-performing team. Effective Team leaders practice situational leadership and are versatile in playing different roles as per the situation demands to drive performance, their roles include: Team Player, Performance Auditor, Communicator, Mentor, Coach, and FireFighter.

Most Common challenges faced by Team Leaders

Ineffective leaders at the frontline drive performance gaps and turnover costs

Inadequately prepared to handle the psychological shift and responsibilities

Unable to transition successfully from individual contributor to leading others

Lack the leadership fundamentals and unable to manage competing priorities

Lack the confidence needed to lead people and project effectively

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Want to know how you can lead at your full potential?

Developing Effective Team Leaders

This Team Leader development program will enable participants to master leadership fundamentals and strategies to successfully bring groups of individuals towards shared goals and deliver outstanding performance. This Team Leader development program will enhance leadership versatility and build confidence to lead a team of individual contributors and drive team performance.

Developing dynamic and effective team leaders at the frontlines has the potential to improve employee performance by 25%, employee engagement by 52%, and employee retention by 40%.

How this program benefit participants and organizations?

  • Master leadership fundamentals that leaders at any level need to master for success.  
  • Become the catalyst who turns strategy into actual performance and business results. 
  • Impact individual productivity, employee engagement, team performance, and customer satisfaction.

What Leaders Will Learn in this Program?

  • Understand how strength’s profile and behavior impact people and team performance. 
  • Understand others, Inspire trust, persuade effectively to gain cooperation and get things done. 
  • Develop strong working relationships and collaborate to navigate organizational politics.  
  • Deliver constructive feedback and hold effective performance conversations. 
  • Identify and remove performance bottlenecks and empower people for performance. 
  • Apply strategies that help building and sustain peak-performance teams.

Recommended for Frontline Managers, Supervisors, and Recently promoted to leadership roles.

What This Program Includes:

Our integrated approach to accelerated leadership development ensures valuable lessons are remembered, applied, and internalized. Reinforce and reaffirm skills, motivate and inspire, and speed the adaptation of new habits.


Prior to attending the program participants will complete assessments including personality, Team Leader Behavior Inventory, and Team Dynamics Survey.


Learn more and faster using collaborative team activities and experiential exercises to practice skills and roles in a safe environment to enhance leadership versatility.


One-on-One coaching to enhance self-awareness, learning agility, and role clarity and address individual specific challenges.


Experiential Activities to learn through doing

A safe environment to try new behaviors

Focuses on challenges unique to team leaders

Experienced Coaches and Leadership Facilitators

Assessments and Personalized development Feedback

To Start your leadership transformation,


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