Here is the list of upcoming open leadership development programs. Register now to confirm your participation and start the program formalities immediately.
3-Day Blue Ocean Strategy Bootcamp with Simulation.
Master the systematic process of creating value and uncontested market space. Build the confidence and competence to use blue ocean strategy tools and frameworks to drive innovation and growth in your organization.
Develop Blue Ocean Mindset – a mindset that shifts focus from competing within crowded, saturated markets (“Red Oceans”) to creating uncontested, high-potential market spaces. Reorient your approach to strategy design from competition-focused thinking to innovation-driven value creation.
Fees: INR 36,000/-
Format: In-Person.
Venue Details, Simulation Login, and Precourse Reading Materials will be shared with registered participants only
Want to know more about this program:
Email: business@leadwellx.com
Mobile: +91-8810663824